What data gets stored?

Types of data collected:

  1. User Data includes but is not limited to User IDs, profile pictures and usernames. NTM Development uses User Data as a means to customise the Licensee's experience and help the Licensee in any way possible. Usage may include but is not limited to debugging information for commands such as "suggest" or "support" information to identify a user, use within message embeds, logging about the user and command usage.
  2. Server Data includes but is not limited to Server IDs, Server icons, Server names, Member count, Roles, Channels, and Roles possessed by a Member. Server Data is a means to customise the Licensee's experience even further and help the Licensee in any way that the User Data is not helpful for. Usage may include but is not limited to debugging information for commands such as "suggest" or "support" information to identify a guild, use within message embeds, and logging about command usage. Furthermore, the developers use may use Server Data in any way they need so long as they do not use it for any malicious purposes. Developers reserve the right to generate an invite to a server in order to provide support or determine if the guild has been abusing the bot.
  3. Usage and Storage of User Data and Server Data. NTM Development reserves the right to use and store User Data and Server Data in any way necessary for the functionality of the bot. NTM Development will not use User Data or Server Data for any malicious purposes, but will only use them when they are required for specific commands or features on the bot. User Data and Server will only be stored in specific situations in which they are needed for a feature to persist. This includes but is not limited to user currency, event logging, blacklisting, and access to specific perks.